Club Penguin Cheats

hints, tips, cheats, secrets, news, links, glitches and just about anything you need for clubpenguin. Presented to you by Alancartwhee and Ejjet125

Thin Ice!!!!

Today a new game came out. It is called Thin Ice and is located in The Night Club. You are a black puffle on fire and you need to get across the ice. Here is a list of a few things and what they to:

Green Space: Teleporter

White Ground: Ice

Key: Needded to open the locked door

Locked Door: Use the key to get past it

Space With A Square In The Center: Will take going over 2 times to melt

The rest I will let you find out what they do! 🙂

December 19, 2006 Posted by | News, Notices | 156 Comments